How far does a tax-deductible donation go? $5: Four spools of thread $10: A sewing kit for a refugee family to take home $25: A cutting mat and cutting edge/ruler $50: Two bolts of interfacing or one bolt of canvas fabric $100: One new sewing machine for a refugee family to take home $500: Covers our website or credit card fees for one year $750: Covers our sales event registration fees for one year $1000: A 6 month supply of our custom printed Buffalove fabric |
COVID-19 Note: We are currently not accepting donations of sewing equipment or supplies. Any monetary donations will be distributed to our clients as a substitute for their sewing sales income. Please shop our online store to purchase items our clients have already made (especially helpful since we are not attending our usual sales events).
We are staffed entirely by volunteers and receive a donated workspace. We are a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. With greater resources, we could do greater good. We are in need of: